Training : New to paragliding? Need a refresher? need a flying coach?
Customized instruction and coaching available for beginner and intermediate pilots.
You can find all ratings info (P1-5) on the HPAC website, including all the required skills for each level.
We hope to do monthly intakes for P1 training, which will consist of a 4 day weekend twice a month (two intakes) for April through June, and single intakes for July August and September – weather and fire season permitting.
8 spots per course with a maximum of 6 P1s, remainder P2.
*Exact dates will be set in early spring, once we have a better grip on weather conditions and numbers.
“Extension dates” – Extra training days are planned to help you get further into the training, or to allow scheduling flexibility for your 4 day requirement for P1.
APRIL 2025
MAY 2025
JUNE 2025
JULY 2025
AUG 30- SEPT 02
Pilot Training courses represent the average students learning curve, and are ample for most pilots to graduate. As with any course, some students may need to purchase a few more classes beyond the usual if they have difficulty with some of the requirements. Not every new pilots learns at same speed. Paying for the course does not guarantee a completed license.
Our instructors will do everything we can to make you a safe and effective pilot as quickly as possible. It is up to you to make yourself available during the course dates or to make appropriate arrangements for alternate training.
P1 Student Rating – 6 Solo Flights
Here we add more high flights under different conditions or locations. I run my courses so you can immerse yourself in the P1 portion of the training. Hopefully finishing it over one long weekend. We often do an overnight camp, so we can maximize flight time. We do spend some time in the vehicle, but it is a great time to discuss and count as “class time”. By the end of your P1 you should have some good confidence with your launch and landing skills. We usually finalize this with a Pemberton high flight. Pemberton is a tricky sight, so you don’t get to fly here until you show ample skill in your flying ability at our other training sites. This will usually take three perfect weather conditions days, usually done over 4. This is just a stepping stone to flying solo… an exam is required to finalize this step.
P2 Novice Rating – 26 Solo Flights
Once you have completed the P1, you can then come up on available flying days to complete you P2 at your own pace, but please remember, the more compact your training, the more you retain and the faster you learn. You may continue racking flights in training Camp (where you can accumulate more flights in less days).
Here we add more high flights and introduce you to turns and other regular maneuvers required to fly solo. We slowly pull back on our input and get you to start making your own in-flight decisions, along with preparing your own flight plans based on your new skills of being competent in reading conditions and weather forecasts for the day.
We run the shuttle service to launch in Pemberton, so I will be available to supervise and instruct you for your pre-requisite flight and skill requirements to get you signed off for your P2. Once you have completed the P2, you can fly solo without an instructor (within specific parameters set out in the rating guide). Expect to dedicate at least 10-14 days to complete to the end of the combined P1 and P2 courses. A specific exam is required to finalize this level, along with signing up with the local and national organizations, to recognize your license… along with giving you insurance that is required to fly many of our sites. You will be expected to spend your own time continuing what you have learned and practice ground handling outside of class time as well.
Specialized Courses
We offer a variety of specialty courses to help pilots trying to improve on specific skills. These are “Pemberton-centric” courses to help you become familiar with the Pemberton flying area, and in turn, translate those skills for use everywhere.
Thermaling and an Introduction to XC – great for freshly minted P2’s… learn to hone your skills at catching the lift and connecting thermals to go for your first distance flights. 3 days
Pemberton XC Specialty – great for pilots in the P3 range (+90 flights) to P4 needing more XC learning. Learn how to get your XC skills to take you for the big distance… learn the tricks and conditions for specific big flights in the Pemberton Valley, and how to translate that to other sites. We will discuss instruments, the appropriate kit for more advanced flying, and honing your skills at finding and utilizing the tricky thermals that will allow you to connect and transition again and again to maximize your distance and to do so safely. 3 days
We can customize training for single or small groups of pilots wanting to learn specific skills or work on mastering some of the next skills required to move up in level for things like thermaling, XC, top landing, ridge soaring, or just expanding one’s experience in the Pemberton flying area. This is a great option for pilots trying to work on pilot-specific issues. If you are proficient at flying here, you can fly anywhere.
Cross Country Tours
We offer instruction and guidance at other great flying locations locally and abroad. Winter time we go to Mexico, where you can continue your training or improving your flying skills between the months of November and February. Take a look at our tours page or contact us for more details.
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